The Fun Part of Trapping

There were two raccoons in the trunk of my friends car, and we were almost back from our first day of checking traps this season. The morning had been quite beautiful, and we were both feeling great about how the morning had went thus far; the traps had worked VERY well, the raccoons had great fur, and we had both woken up on time. I was mentally preparing myself for the work that still needed to happen that day, and I was sure going to need it.

All animals obtained from the outdoors are in the raw, they are far from the usable form that is the reason why we obtained them in the first place. In the case of the raccoons the thing that they were obtained for was their fur, and that requires quite a bit of work. The skin must be removed from the body of the raccoon, and done so in a way that very few holes are made in the pelt. I had only skinned one raccoon from the previous year, so experience was not on my side. I had done research before the season started(meaning watching YouTube videos) so I felt confident that I could skin the raccoons with very few problems.

I understand that many of you might not appreciate the subject so I am going to include the conlusion of this post in another post. I understand that many of you might have an aversion to the killing of wild animals, and that some of you might be opposed to the killing of any animal. But to those of you who enjoy steaks, chicken, pork chops,  and any other kind of meat: this is no different. I am just using the animal for something else, and I choose to do it all by myself. Thank you, and I hope that many of you will read the next blog that I post.